Sunday 24 March 2013

Life would suck without you two..

A well trained dog can be a man’s best friend. Actually, I never used to believe this before my sweet little dog, Whisky happened. There are times when I feel like crying like hell but have no one except him around me who I can speak to (yes, that works!) or there are times when I am very happy about something but no one except him seems to be interested (his jumping around makes me think that he is happy for me :P).  Yeah, his hair all over my clothes are irritating but they are nothing when compared to how much alive he makes me feel. When people tell me about the stuff babies do, I realize that he does everything a human baby does; he has to be trained as carefully as kids have to be educated..! Every morning it is he who prevents me from falling asleep again and makes me run all around the house. Ha! Ha! Ha! And just Whisky is not enough to make my life so exiting, my cat, Meow (her real name is Alex but she never responds to that name to I just call her Meow) makes life all the more merry. About a year ago when people told me that they have a cat and a dog living together in their house, this is what I used to think “OKAY stop lying now, I know a cat and a dog can never stay together. Stop being insane and watch Tom and Jerry that explains my point” but actually now I am the insane person who tells everyone the hilarious tales of her pets, Whisky and Meow. What I have learned in a year is that when a dog jumps on your lap, it's because he is fond of you; but is a cat does the same thing, it 's because your lap is warmer :P Yes, cats regard humans as their warm blooded piece of furniture. I just can't imagine life without these two little souls beside me. There are times when I make a fool of myself in front of everyone, but then i am reminded of Whisky and Meow,the I remember that no matter what I do, no matter how strange I act, my pets will always make me feel better by doing things more strange and hilarious. The best feeling in the world is when you walk into your room, sad and depressed and you find a happy pet sitting there, eagerly waiting for you, to be loved, to love you, that gesture of theirs can actually act as a medicine for any kind of stress, depression or heartbreak..:D

Monday 18 March 2013

What I think Life is all about..

Life is hilarious, it slaps you hard, breaks you in every possible way and the moment you are about to give up, an angel hears your painful cries and grabs you by the hand making everything OKAY again. I do realize that life hasn’t taught me most things yet, but what I have learned till now is that we should never give up in life as we never know when wonderful things can happen to us. I like this metaphor i read last night “An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward, so when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it’s going to launch you in something great.” Life should be like that you shouldn’t remember when was the last time you said “That’s it, I am never going to try this again” and really meant it because whenever you mess up things, you should TRY to put them together. Maybe that’s what we are supposed to do, our whole life has already been designed by God, and I suppose that the only ‘Full Sop’ we should come to should be death and nothing else. Leaving things the way they are, giving up, crying for what has been lost is very easy but easy way is not always the best way. I remember what our Computer teacher, Kishore Pandit sir told us “You can never gain till you experience pain”. At that particular moment I was busy staring the computer screen but now I realize that he made a lot a of sense and I wish I would have listened to his lecture that day. Well, I guess, that’s what life is, funny combination of difficulties and happiness.